- Hits: 725
App-Info is a community site created as an Open-Source GitHub documentation site that provides the kind of application-specific information that IT pros look for when packaging applications for delivery within their companies.
We'd love you to not only use it as a source of information, but to convince you to contribute your knowledge to this growing documentation base on installer sources, silent installation, typical enterprise app configuration (like turning off the updater) and known app compatibility with popular packaging styles.
- Hits: 644
The PSF is short for Package Support Framework, an Open Source effort to enable software built with the traditional Win32 and .Net Framework APIs that ran natively on older versions of the operating system cope with running on Windows 10 inside the MSIX container.
Only about 30% of traditional applications have compatibility to run inside the MSIX container without remediation. Most of the remaining traditional applications can be tamed by the PSF, but we still do not have remediations for all applications.
- Hits: 675
A collaboration between Tim Mangan, Advanced Installer's Bogdan Mitrache, and Kevin Kaminski, this book is essential to anyone in IT that wants to understand MSIX repackaging.
- Hits: 661
Vendor: TMurgent
Written by TMurgent's Tim Mangan, this book is the learning book for anyone that is repackaging applications into any format.